Academic conferences and Summer schools
January, 2022 – Presentation at the Koulakov laboratory [pdf]
November, 2021 – Presentation at the Engel laboratory [pdf]
September, 2021 – Seminar on Modelling of Computer Systems and Networks [pdf]
March, 2021 – Poster presentation for the inauguration of the Neuromod Institute [pdf]
2019 – Séminaire des doctorants, Neuromod Institute
2019 – Neuromod Institute meeting
June, 2018 – C@UCA meeting
September, 2017 – Séminaire des doctorants, Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné
August, 2017 – CEMRACS (
June, 2017 – Bornholm Summer School (
June, 2017 – C@UCA meeting (
General public conferences and events
Fête de la science (French science week)
Mathemarium: a collection of mathematical games for entertaining and helping parents and children discovering the world of mathematics. In particular created (in collaboration with Giulia MEZZADRI and Marc MONTICELLI) and animated a stall about Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neural Networks, with a custom game / machine inspired by MENACE. Visit the website (in French):
Collective construction of a monumental fractal object: helped at the animation. The goal was to create a fractal (Sierpiński triangle) object made of paper, straws and 3D-printed connectors. Classes of students as well as public were invited to the event, which also served as an excuse to popularize mathematical thinking and knowledge.
Virtual reality stall: helped at the animation of a stall about virtual reality and medecine, in collaboration with the CHU (Universitary Hospital Center) of Nice. This serious game was actually an animation created for testing relaxation techniques using, among other, a peaceful journey modelled in 3D.
Escape lab: helped at the animation. The principle was inspired by the Escape Rooms phenomenon. We used the particular architecture of the Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné to walk students through a labyrinth, their only chance at escaping being their ability to solve the mathematical riddles dispersed on the walls.
Qu'est-ce que le transhumanisme ? (What is transhumanism?) – Bibliothèque Raoul Mille, Nice, France
Quel futur pour l’intelligence artificielle ? (What future for Artificial Intelligence?) – Bibliothèque Raoul Mille, Nice, France
Host of: L'intelligence artificielle s'inspire de l'humain ... et vice versa. (Artificial Intelligence is inspired by human beings... and vice versa.) with Lyes Khacef, Sarah Zerimech, Adrien Russo, Pablo Avalos Prado, Cyrille Mascart – Learning Center, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Participation to the event MT180, where I had the pleasure to present an enthusiastic and vulgarized summary of my thesis work in 180 seconds. The video is publicly available on the Projects page.
L'histoire de l'informatique, de l'antiquité à nos jours (History of computer science, from antiquity to modern days) – Organizer and guide of a public exhibition about the history of computer science, from algorithms to hardware, within the scope of the yearly open day and local heritage day – ISIMA, Clermont-Ferrand, France
My two coins to MT180
MT180: My Thesis in 180s.
This is the video of my participation to the competition. It was my first year of PhD, and though I did not have much content to show, I tried to come up with a creative story about my vision and experience of science and the scientific world in general.